Saturday, February 19, 2011

More GM Terrain Features

Today we have a few more GM terrain features that relate to people, their places, their ruins and anything else related to the world itself.

Combining a Mountain, Frozen weather, a couple of hamlet ruins, a warped site or two, an inhabited Hamlet with a General Store and a Roadside Inn gives a background for the search for the ancient Ravenwing Villa that is rumored to be here. Of course, the fact that the rumor came to the Valarians through a spy employed by a necromancer as a researcher, means their is competition for the goodies.

Jikadel Shrine Terrain Feature

These are not terribly common in lightly populated areas, but there are always a few Jikadel Missionaries who want to spread the word. They have some very interesting ways of confusing people and getting them to surrender their freedom by offering to protect them from the nasty Shape Shifters.

Warped Site Terrain Feature

These spots are frequently the remnants of a Dragon Storm that came through at some time in the past few years. Areas with regular Dragon Storms have lots of these. A wonderful meeting spot for warpspawn, mad spawn and other ugly cast members.

General Store Terrain Feature

A lot of hamlets have merchants around. These are normally locally owned establishments that rely on the good will of locals and traveling merchants for survival, so they are open to new faces.

Roadside Inn Terrain Feature

Roadside Inns pop up at hamlets and even in the wilds. They are found at crossroads and any where else that people may need a nights sleep.

Tomorrow will be round up day.

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