Monday, February 28, 2011

It is Monday! Again

Sometimes I feel like Monday comes every week. I know that can not be true, but what can you do. Anyway, I have posted the Weekly Familiar Place Web comic from the artist Susan Van Camp. Spread the word, tell people where to find Familiar Place.

Now, let me see what else is in the bag. All these scrolls here in the Secret Clanhold must have, ah yes.

The Farmers Spirit. Old Simpson Jebry had died. It was, by all accounts, a natural death of old age. Not a unique way to die, but not usual either. All of his life he had heard stories about the world "out there", and he had dreamed of seeing it.

His spirit lingered and he floated slowly along, taking in the sights on his way to the void, for he did not have the power to survive long as a spirit, he was just taking the long way to his final end. He spied a tigrean barbarian who was carrying a bone. The barbarian was treating the bone well. It had been very tasty meat.

Old Simpson thought that he would follow the barbarian for a time and moved into the bone. When the barbarian was looking for healing herbs, Simpson saw one. When the barbarian finally threw the bone away, Simpson guided it next to the Healing Herb. The barbarian was perplexed at the bones odd flight and investigated. He found the herb. Being a superstitious sort, he picked the bone back up as he gathered the herb. The bone thanked him in his mind.  This took the barbarian by surprise.

He proceeded to question his fellow travelers about the bone, asking them if they could hear it talk, they could not. He started to hand the bone to one of his fellows, and the bone spoke again.

"What? You are giving me away?" He snatched the bone back and finally asked the bone what it wanted. "Me, I want to see some of the world before I go on." So, the barbarian put the bone in his pouch and they travelled on.

As a GM I am always looking for ways to give players a little feel for the oddity of Grandilar and the spirits. In this case I watched how the player was role-playing the character, and he was doing a good job of it. So, I threw him a bone, literally.

Next, we have the new cards for the day. Potions will be the next set that we publish, so let us get a look.

Potion Pouch

The first thing we need is something to put the potions in that can be attached to a belt and allow for easy use. Yes, there will be magic versions coming along.

Disease Ward Vale

In Second Edition we are going to clearly distinguish between diseases and the Tox. They act the same, but they are not the same. The Tox needs different treatments than diseases.

Refreshment Vale

This is another of those, "We need this in the game" cards that duplicates a Classic card. We recommend that Classic Vales of Refreshment use two IND to consume, because you get two cards back. It will be up to the players to track that. GM's already have plenty to do. If you forget, oh well, it is a game.

All right then, that is enough for today.


  1. Very happy to see new utility items, esp adding to the list of potions. Will there be a potion brewer anchor in the new rules set?

    Doug, AROC4
    (I figured out the problem I was having with commenting on your blogs)

  2. More potions coming today. Plus we will have yet another set.

    We are not going to republish any of the "maker" cards as they are. Instead we will be doing a book of professions that characters can enter into as semi-retirement careers. It will also be good for GM's running shops in villages and towns. Making potions etc. takes an outfitted place to work and a lot of time. So characters that do it should be ones you do not run regularly.
