Sunday, October 30, 2011

Dodging and Ranged Attacks.

Dodging Ranged Attacks.

One of the goals we had in writing the Dragon Storm 2.0 rules was to avoid absolutes. This ties in with our desire for the GM's, and players, to be free to create new situations and answers. Sometimes it is difficult for our minds to grasp that there are no absolutes in Dragon Storm. The laws of the universe are flexible in ways meant to create the feeling of Chaos and wonder. You can never be entirely sure of anything.

One result of this theory is that people keep looking for absolutes. This has occurred in regards to Dodging Ranged attacks. We left this ambiguous. Dodging ranged attacks is generally not possible without a special ability, but that is not always true. Too many possibilities exist for us to be able to make an absolute rule. It will be up to the players to suggest they may be able to Dodge and the GM's to judge if it is possible. If you are in the open and someone shoots an arrow at you, you have a problem. If, however, that attacker is lobbing boulders at you, well, you may be able to Dodge. There is no way to construct a world rule that covers all ranged attacks and dodging, therefore we did not bother.

The bottom line is that dodging ranged attacks depends first on whether you have a special ability to, and secondarily, on the exact situation you are facing. Your chances will be decided by the GM applying rule 3.4, your role-playing, and the situation.


Friday, October 28, 2011

New Werewolves and More!

Way back last summer, remember back that far? We had a Con called DSCon 2011. Members and Supporting members received a special set of cards with their memberships. GM's even got Two sets. We do not want those who could not get to the Con, or are new to the game, to be left out. So, from time to time we will selling these sets at Cons or here on the web. Right now is one of those times. If you want these special cards, just use this link and buy a set. We will have a few sets available at PentaCon, Ucon and Midwest Furfest in the next three weeks.

The 2.0 Werewolves have officially arrived. The big bad forms are here, and melee, well Werewolves do melee. There are now real reasons to take that Great Wolf form as some abilities only work when you are in an Animal form. Like the Dragon there are now abilities that improve as you work your way through the different sized shape shifting form. You can go to the revamped Werewolf Page and have a good look by following this link. You are going to want to scroll down to the Downloads section and have a good look. There you will find the Get to Know Your Werewolf PDF, you should read this! We have PDF's of the new cards to examine, and even play with if money is sparse right now. Towards the bottom of the page you will find a way to buy a set of nine identical cards. Handy when there is a card you just keep using.

The new Beta page is filling up with potential cards of the future. You can consider the Witchcraft and Witch specialty cards, Herbs, Clan Swords, Gargoyles, and a series of specialty cards that could appear. Keep in mind that everything here is a Beta and there may be changes before publication. We leave it up to our players to track the changes to their own characters cards. Just follow this link and you will arrive at the Beta page.

Now that we are starting to see the Holiday Season on the Horizon we are adding Greeting cards to Susan's Cafepress shop. We are going to be focusing on Cats and Dragons for the cards. If you are wondering what cards to send this year, take a look at Susan's cards by following this link.

OK, that is it for today.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Greeting Cards!

We have Greeting cards available on Cafepress. Check them out!


Monday, October 17, 2011

Saturday, October 15, 2011

New Betas!

OK, I have posted the New Clan Swords Beta and the Gargoyle Beta cards. Time for people to start playing with them and try them out. You can use this link to get to the Beta page.

Susan is at the Furfright Con this weekend. She has several new prints for sale there. You can see, and order, the new prints on the Etsy site. Summon Fox, Leap Away, Alimeeta and Earth Wolf are the new works.

We have started creating some holiday cards in the cafepress shop. You can look them over at the Cafepress shop. I will be adding more images here over the next few days.

Have Fun!