Monday, August 29, 2011

Elethay 2.0 added to Betas

The Elethay cards have been around for a while so all they needed was tweaking to put them into the 2.0 Earth magics.

In general we called all earth/physical world driven magics Witchcraft, because Witchcraft is the best known of those magics. This has caused some confusion and we wanted to clarify those issues in 2.0.

Witchcraft, Nightwitch (Coven), Elethay, Jikadell, Elementalism and Reaver are all stand alone magics. Only the Shrouds and Warlock are dependent on Witchcraft as a foundation. Obviously an experienced character can wind up with several of these.

Elethay now has an Anchor to represent the training and to give characters access to the Elethay cards. We made this a very inexpensive Anchor so it would be easily compatible with Classic cards.

This also meant a rewrite of the Universal Elethay cards as well. None of those cards now include the actual use of Elethay cards, but they qualify to learn them. We lowered the CP of the Elethay Acolyte so after buying the Elethay Anchor, it still costs 4 CP. The Elethay Priestess got four extra HP to compensate for having to add the Anchor. That also means the Classic cards are nicely compatible with 2.0.

The Elethay Extras sheet has the new Background and the Universals for this, plus it has the "ninth" card from the existing cards. It is a small start on another set, but with peoples submitted ideas and our own, there will eventually be another set.

As for the spells themselves, we tweaked them to fix some of the common complaints about the classic versions, but they stayed pretty much the same.

The old Elethay Guide is there as well. It has been touched up, but is not completely updated. No real sense in doing that until we get the cards finalized. It does give a good sense of playing an Elethay.

You can download and read the Elethay cards for yourself.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Updated Reaver

I updated the Reaver Anchor to clarify that Reaver and Warrior do not combine. It is an either/or choice.

I also clarified that Elethay, Reaver, Nightwitch, Elementalism, Jikadell and Earth Devotion, are stand alone classes of physical magic that are not included with Witchcraft and no longer require Witchcraft first. More mix and match to increase Character personalization.

Earth Devotion will cover a special Faith in the world. Dealing with Earth spirits (called shades), however it will be a year or more before we get back to that one.

Elementalism will also get a 2.0 upgrade in the distant future. The spells, abilities and Elementals will stay as they are, but the organization will get modified. We will break it into Fire, Water, Earth, Air and Exarch sets. In the meantime, Elementalism works fine in 2.0 as it is, so use it. Each will have a cheap Anchor so a character can build up there knowledge of Elementalism over time culminating with being an Exarch.


-- Posted From My iPad

Friday, August 19, 2011

Dragon Storm Market Updated.


I have made several changes in the DS Market. Player Sets are subdivided, Build your character, Pre-Orders (with stuff to pre-order, and a release schedule!), New Beta Page that happens to have the new Witchcraft spells on it.

If you are ready to go look, here is the Link.

The idea is to get it up and see what is broken, get it fixed, and put out a newsletter Monday with the announcement.

I did not put up the Pre-Orders for the item sets yet, I am hopeful we can add two more and make it a five set release.

See, and you thought I was just working on Etsy!


Friday, August 12, 2011

Etsy Print Updates

Sue is off at IFC and having a good time.

I am here catching up our Etsy Print Shop.

Tail percher cat twoF1 5x7

Tail Percher is new in the Whimsical Cat Section.


The Griffitts Section of Etsy has been updated.

I am just about done with today, you can have it back now.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Back from GenCon

We set up in the artshow at GenCon as usual. It was four days of fevered activity. We sold a lot of art, so I spent the evenings making prints while Sue completed commissions. Over all it was a very good weekend.

I am always glad to see our friends and was thrilled to meet Mathew and Christina from the east coast skype group. Michael Copeland ran a ton of DS and did a great job. Between Cope and Matt it looks like we got several new players. Thanks!

Wizard Wagon was selling DS on Saturday and Sunday and did a good job. Too bad we could not get that arranged earlier.

There was a lot of excitement at the con and people were happy with the new areas for the con.

I spent most of my time on my feet and right now my legs are expressing the opinion that I need to learn to sit more.

Time to finish unpacking, I have to get Sue ready to hit the road early Friday for another Con.

-- Posted From My iPad

Saturday, August 6, 2011

DS at Gencon

Wizard Wagon at booth 1309 has the Dragon Storm 2 book and some boosters. Go see them.

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Friday, August 5, 2011

When at a Con

Guys should avoid loudly bragging about your "huge" helmet, while walking through the exhibit hall. The snickering girls should be a clue.

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Second day at Gencon

Morning at the con. I need more coffee.

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