Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday, and more Dragon Storm!

I sit down at the computer to put up information in the blog about three times a week, yet I never know what I am going to do until I start typing. Everything here is the first rough draft of thoughts about the game and what we are doing.

The problem is I have a few hundred thoughts, cards, ideas, stories and scenarios bubbling around in the brain. For the cards I did a quick check to see where we are at. I have just over 1600 cards in the computer for DS and probably twice that many in notes. I am never sure which ones people are interested in, so I just make my best guess. I put some time into prepping for tomorrows game and that caused me to touch up the little Labyrinth cast members I have been using to test the players.  They are not much individually, but since the party is running over 600 CP, I can use a dozen of them and throw in some fun features. With the new Exploding dice these little monsters actually get to hurt the characters. Anyway, I added the cast 13 sheet to the downloads page. Scroll down to the new GM cards and check it out.

When I am prepping for a game I sometimes put cards for encounters in nine card sleeves for easy access. I have really got to get some more of the card holders from Tim, those work sweet for a GM. I put together a couple of the sheets in the computer and added them at the bottom of the GM cards on the download page.

Oh ya, I remember what I was here for, more new potions that are in the pipeline:


Great Medicinal Vale

The Strength and Speed Vales are two more that have longer durations. They work best if you know you are not going to be needing healing or recharge vales. As you recall drinking a potion cancels any operating potions.

Strength Vale

Speed Vale

On Wednesday I believe that I will be announcing new sets available for Pre-Order. So get ready to place orders. It should be the Magic Items we showed a couple of weeks ago (Algar's and Karvac's items) and the first two Basic Universal sets for Second Edition.

Thanks to you guys I am also going to have to increase the order for the Common Potion set #401 at the same time. It really helps us for you to order these as we send them off to the printer, Thanks!

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