Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wednesday Dragon Storm Update.

Prepping for FCN, taxes and a gut disagreement are slowing things down, but we do have a few new things since Monday.

Started getting the finals done on some of the GM cards. Set 600, GM Storm creation cards, has its own web page, PDF, Guideline and more. I better do the Channel set next, players need some anti-storm weapons at hand.

In this set you can see the Dragon Storm way being expanded. Like characters and cast the storms can now be assembled and role-played by creative GM's. Plus, you have more playable Storm information than ever before.

I just talked to the Printer and Set 401 DS, magic potions will be hitting the press in the next few days. That means we have 10-14? days before it arrives here and the Pre-Order deal drops and it goes to individual sales. You can see the Pre-Order page here. I also increased the initial order, thanks for the Pre-Orders, they really help.

I asked players for Feature ideas, and I am happy to say we have gotten some excellent ideas. I have been posting them on a regular basis, go look. I am focused on the Features at the moment, but all sorts of ideas can go in the hopper. If you want your thoughts on cards available for Sue and I to pick over, you should submit them.

It is also time for me to remind everyone that Dragon Storm Con is July 22nd to 24th. You really should go check it out and sign up. If you want the special Con cards, but you can not attend, get a supporting membership and get the cards. I am not sure how we will make these available later, but we will find a way. We are not going to make them exclusive, but they will not be easy to get either.

If you missed it, we posted the Second Edition Starter/Demo Human Dragon Character. Scroll down and you will find a basic character generation and rules you need sheet you can give to new people. This is the Link.

I have been posting links to new DS sheets and works in my twitter feed. You can see it to the left on the blog page. If you have a twitter account I should be watching, let me know about it.

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