What has happened this week? First of all I have discovered why I am not getting full webpages up for the new DS card sets. It takes at least full days work to get each page ready to go. So that is just about all I have gotten done in the past week.
I moved the links to the newest web pages for sets to the top of the Downloads page. This is the link to the page.
The starting/demo character has pictures of all of the cards with notes by each. When you scroll down to the bottom of the page you will find the set PDF's for download.
I have also included a shortened Character Creation and Rules you need for new players. It prints out as a single page. I put this up in an RTF format so our Warden GM's can either print out a couple for reference, or modify it to suit your needs.
Sue created a new Character sheet layout based on the rules she is writing. She provided an example and I laid it out. When done I created a PDF of the Character sheet and put a link to it on the Starting Character web page. If you are looking for a good long/detailed character sheet there are a number of people who have created them. Glenn put one on the Dragon Storm Group on Facebook.
Each of the card sets also include a simplified Guideline RTF. I did them this way so that it would be easy for me to update the Guides to cover new questions as they come up. In some places I have even made reference to some of the changes that affect Classic cards. I really can't get too deep into that until Sue finishes the new rules.
On some of the sets I have added an experiment. There is a buy button for the PDF's. Let's see how that works.
You may have noted that I am doing updates on Twitter, and Facebook, as I complete tasks. Both are quick to do, so I am. If you need the Twitter or Facebook links, check on our links page.
I asked for Feature ideas earlier in the week and players responded, Thank You! These are the ones I got up. There are a couple more good ones I need to post, and you should see them Wednesday.
Now, links to the new set pages:
Card Set 100. Human Dragon Starter/Demo. Lot of info here.
Card Set 102. The rest of the Dragon Characters. We now have ten races. Yes, this process will be repeated for each shifter race.
Card Set 200. The first Dragon Abilities sheet. It looks like we have four total Dragon sets on the way through the pipes. The fifth set is partial.
Card Set 400. Magic Rings. Now in the Market for ordering. The new versions do not need another card with them to work. They now stand on there own.
Card Set 401. Magic Potions. We are going to be doing a lot more with items as we go along. This is the first potion set. You can pre-order these, they are in the market.
Card Set 402. Magic Items. Nine all new items. Not as powerful as the old NFS items, but good stuff. You can pre-order these in the market.
Over the next couple of weeks, we have a convention and taxes to deal with. That means getting more than a day or two for DS is going to be tough, but keep an eye on the twitter and here for updates.
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