Monday, November 15, 2010

Always between Conventions it seems.

We are preparing Sue for Midwest Furfest. Tonya will be our DS front person at the Con. She will have print outs of new materials, Guild Applications, Character sheets and more with her at the con. I even gave a spirit messenger if she needs Guidance from within the Secret Clanhold. Sue will be doing her best to keep up with the Art end of the convention. We really appreciate Tonya's help at this one!

The newest Familiar Place Web Comic has been posted. If you need your Monday Familiar Place Fix, it is here.

I have posted the new Channel Set for Pre-ordering on our market page. There is a link there to the PDF as well. This fine link leads to the pre-order page. Go look, download the PDF, check it out.

Channel and the Great Change.
In the PDF's we are doing on the new cards we do not discuss the cards that are not in the set. It would be confusing to do so in the Set descriptions. What I will be doing is to discuss those cards briefly here in the blog, just to keep you informed.

Fortunatley for all of us DS comes with the handy 3.4 GM rule to deal with blending the old and the new.
Channel Link is being by passed in the new Channel Cards. There are a number of new concepts that we want to explore with you, like the Shroud, that do not work well with an Anchor. We also wanted to open Channel up to the general Stormlands civilians. Elethay Acolyte cast members can be shown in ways that illustrate their community value without the GM having to contrive to get them a Boon. The Channel Link, with it's +1 WIS still has value, but some may want to free up a Boon slot by switching to the new Channel card.
Channel Strike has also been by passed. We have not had good opportunities to test it with the new cards, so we just left it as is.
The point values of the Channel cards has been tweaked. It is very difficult to figure out a good CP value for cards when they should be carried, but may be useless in some adventures. A hard numerical value system does not take that into account. *sigh*
Sometimes it can be difficult to see what we are working at here, be patient, all will be exposed over time.

Well, that is it for today.
Good Night and Good Gaming.

-- Post From My iPad


  1. Since the Bloodkin forms are being moved away from, what will I do with my Vermite WereRat who has Form Affinity? Are there going to be 8 forms for him?

  2. Pretty darned close, but we will be modifying Form Affinity to accomodate the change.

    It is a lot of work tracking down what each change to a card causes down the line. Keep asking the questions, we are bound to miss some.

    A staff of ten could rip through all of this in a couple of months, I have Mocha. Mocha is wonderful, but she is more of a pretty face than a worker.
