Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Dragon Storm and more news.

I have made a number of updates on the website.

The Errata, Comments, Feedback section of the site has been expanded. We are pulling the Beta site and the Guild site into the main site so they will be easier to find. It is going to take 3-4 months to get this done. Forms for questions, comments and updates have been added.

We have been posting comments, articles and errata on the site as we go along, but people are not used to it, so few have found it. Things like the link to the Skype gamers, the Article on making your own flaws and more are there.

In Health news we have had another set back. During the seizures and ongoing trauma, Sue has contracted an eye disease. It is now under control, but she has suffered permanent eye damage. This is going to affect how, and what, we do as we go along. For twelve years the income of Susan's art supported DS during the Classic/Deluxe Era. As of the introduction of 2.0 DS became self supporting, and is even making a small income. This is extremely lucky as we are now going to have to rely on DS for our primary income. Your support in the conversion is much appreciated and we need you to continue to support DS 2 and help expand the game. You have our sincere thanks.

So that Sue can read the DS cards I am creating a set of over sized cards for her. To do this I am having to rebuild the cards. I have found a way to make cards that can be expanded and contracted to do this with. This differences are small, so all is well as far as using existing cards. It also means I am going over every card for 2.0 and making small corrections. I am also looking at the comments people have made on the cards and a few are getting changes. I will be listing the changes that affect play in the Errata page on the website. Once we get that done there will be a free exchange program for some cards.

We are looking forward to seeing our DS loyalists at Storm Con in a few weeks.

Good Gaming to one and all!



  1. Hope things start getting better, you are both in my thoughts. Take care!!

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about the setbacks. Wishing the both of you a speedy recovery! We'll continue to support your product.
