Wednesday, April 4, 2012

MarCon Preparations

I am getting everything packed for MarCon and we are progressing.

I have packed up the April DS Pre-Orders, Commissions to be delivered, and Prints so far. I have dismantled the displays we have in the house, so we can rebuild them at MarCon.

This will be a good test for Sue. We are planning on limiting her hours, as the meds are having an effect on both her thinking and her ability to focus, but all should go well. Tim and Mala have graciously agreed to handle the booth while we are gone. Right now I am planning on her being at the Con 3-7 Friday, noon to 4 on Saturday and noon to 3 on Sunday. Whenever she starts to get overwhelmed she can slip away to the back room to recover.

Over all I am looking forward to seeing our friends and patrons at the con. It should be fun.


1 comment:

  1. If you need some booth coverage at Motorcity, let AROC4 know.

    Doug, Firestar AROC4
