Thursday, May 19, 2011

Updated Great Change Forms

We have just about finished the update of the Great Change forms.

The PDF's are on the downloads page. Scroll down and you will find them.

The first major adjustment has been the increase in card points for Greater and Prime forms. The second adjustment is that the Greater forms now require the character to have the Seeker Lifeline to take them and the Primes require the Seasoned Lifeline before they may be taken.

We are working on hammering out the Form Affinity set of cards as several of them affect form selection. The Form Enhancement cards also effect form usage and will be in the second Valarian set. Just use the current ones until we get their.

That is it for now. Good night and Good gaming.


  1. Got them! Posted just now. Did them all and added a Merfolk Dragon Character.

  2. Excellent! Dig that you gave the Merfolk Dragon the PengLai forms as that's what we would have done.

    Saw the dragons have 17 cards...perhaps Merfolk Form for the 18th?

  3. The dragons have several unusual forms yet to be seen. Delethine, Merfolk, canid, and a couple three dead races as well. Time will see a lot more forms.

    The trick is that forms are good for role-playing and village/tribal encounters, but they use up card points. With the dragons being the most hunted shifters it is not really an advantage to have a pile of forms.

  4. Saw a few typos, mostly where the form in the text doesn't match the card. Most notably, the stats for the giant rat and prime giant rat are exactly the same. That can't be right.
